Casa Via
Manages the consultations with clients, budget management, venue selection, vendor coordination, organizing the timeline and scheduling to help clients keep up with what needs to be done, and executes the wedding day with excellence. Casavia serves the clients and ensures they enjoy the most important day of their lives.

Jennifer provides support and assistance in organizing and executing weddings. She helps with various tasks throughout the planning process, including research, vendor coordination, administrative duties, and on-site event management.

Ade Jung
The person who handles enquiries and helps them curate the right quotation that will help their wedding planning process. She’s a constant help for new clients and ensures they can spell out what they need.

Her role is to ensure bookings, invoices, and other administration related to admin and events are in order, as well as constantly updated. She makes sure everything is documented and well communicated.

Specifically Account Receivable, she prepares, posts, verifies, and records customer payments and transactions related to accounts receivable. She also creates invoices according to the company’s practices, submits them to customers and maintains and updates customer files.